3 Tips for a More Concise Press Release

Most people know the basics of a good press release: keep it short, get to the point, and edit it thoroughly.

But the actual execution is much more difficult than it sounds. Here are 3 tips for more concise, powerful press releases.

1. Write out your dream news story headlines.

Forget about all the details of your pitch. Instead, try to imagine what kinds of stories might be written about your company.

  • “Local Ice Cream Shop Turns Chocolate Into Hope.”
  • “New Software Company Creates ‘Tool of the Century.'”
  • “Lemonade Stand Disrupts the Industry.”

By focusing on your end-goal, you can make better decisions about what information is critical, and what bits you can cut out.

2. Remove every opinion.

Editors don’t want to read you bragging about your product, and writers don’t want to regurgitate your thoughts.

More importantly, opinions are essentially “fluff.” If you increased sales by 42% in the last year, it’s not necessary to say that this is a significant event.

Let the writers come to their own conclusions.

Here’s an example paragraph with the opinions removed.

Company XYZ has generated 42% more sales this year, an amazing turnaround that has industry leaders excited. Over 23 million new customers have started using Product X, and we think this is a sign that lemonade stands are the future.


3. Pretend you don’t care.

We naturally pour our hearts into our own businesses, but that passion can often work against you.

Remember that the strangers reading your press release simply don’t share your inherent love for your company. Imagine you’re someone who simply doesn’t care about your business or the news, and try to write the press release in such a way that it’s not difficult to read.

Want a pro to write your next press release?

Simply fill out the contact form below, and we’ll help you spruce up and cut down that old press release (or start from scratch).

How Long Do You Have to Blog to See Results?

A lot of people begin a small blog for their business thinking that it’ll be the source of passive income and easy money.

Although blogging can definitely bring you more cash for your business, it’s unlikely to turn a profit in the first few weeks. More importantly, you have to remember that a blog is not usually a source of income, but a source of new customers.

Skip the philosophy. How much do I have to blog to make money?

Assuming you’re using your blog as a way to generate traffic and create interest in your business’s service, it should really only take a week or two before you start to see the financial benefits of your blog.

For the sake of transparency, I’ll tell you that we wrote about three blog posts in two weeks and landed our first client–without paying for advertising.

After that, things kept snowballing.

If you’ve written a few blog posts yourself, but you haven’t seen these kinds of results (or you’re still stuck at your day job), just consider these pointers:

  • You need to share information that your potential customers want. It might feel wrong to give away valuable information for free, but you are getting something incredibly valuable in return: new customers.
  • SEO is a critical element of driving new traffic. Simply putting a post on your website isn’t enough. Make sure you include highly searched keywords, and add tags and links when possible.
  • Send people to your posts from social media. Although blogs generate their own traffic, they become exponentially more effective in search engines when there are multiple links and established readers for those posts. Creating your own audience proves to search engines that your content is valuable.

If all else fails, or you just don’t have the time to do all that by yourself, you can always get a pro blog post from college-educated writers who have built two separate businesses with a few simple blogs.

Best of luck out there!

SEO Press Release Tips (Don’t Sabotage Yourself)

The internet is full of great SEO press release tips, but by far the single best tip is the one that most often gets ignored.

This isn’t just for press releases, but all types of online content.

If you forget this one crucial tip, your entire marketing strategy will be sabotaged, and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.

No matter what you do, don’t forget about the humans reading your content!

The whole point of SEO is to increase the likelihood that people (or, as many digital marketers so coldly refer to them, “traffic”) will read your content.

Not all SEO efforts are destructive for the readability of your content. Keyword stuffing aside, most SEO practices will make life easier for your readers.

In fact, one of the best SEO measures is to simply make the content interesting enough to be shared on multiple sites and social media platforms.

But no SEO tool is going to fix an essentially broken piece of content. Everything begins and ends with the value of your text; SEO only advertises that value.

Surprising Simplicity: The Ultimate SEO Tool

When people scour the internet for the ultimate SEO tool, they no doubt expect to find long-winded guides and expensive software.

Although software can be an amazing tool that reduces your workload and improves your internet presence, the reality is that the best methods for SEO still rely on human effort.

Good SEO isn’t just about tricking a search engine; it’s about drawing in human customers.

With the powerful combination of an SEO press release and plenty of blog posts, you create a variety of links to your products and services, using content that people will actually want to read and share.

Plus, those press releases can generate stories in trusted publications, creating even more traffic and improving your SEO.

That’s because search engines prefer websites with links from multiple different sources. While you can improve SEO by changing your website, the ultimate SEO tool is the combination of content and links–with real, human readers who enjoy your content.

Don’t put the search engine before the customer.

How Does a Blog Help Your Business? (The Meta Answer.)

Right now, you’re reading a post on our website, where we offer blogging services.

Because of that, there’s a higher chance that you might become one of our customers. (The chances are at least much higher than they would be if you weren’t reading this!)

In short, that’s exactly how a blog helps your business–and why you should consider hiring us to put that magical marketing power in your hands.

But here are 3 very important ways that a blog can help your business (and why a blog is worth some serious cash).

1. Building trust with your prospects requires a bounty of information.

Consumers today don’t just buy a product because a catchy jingle on the radio told them to.

They do a ton of research. In fact, 81% of shoppers do research online before making a purchase. If you’re selling a high-end product or service, the time it takes to build trust can take much longer.

That’s why a blog is so useful: you create a space where customers can spend plenty of time getting to know you and your brand, and that drastically increases your chances of landing the sale.

2. There are thousands of businesses just like yours, offering very similar products and services.

You need some way of distinguishing yourself in the customer’s mind.

Fortunately, that doesn’t mean you have to invent an entirely new product. Instead, just by offering useful blog content, you make a unique connection with your website’s visitors.

You’re not just another face in the crowd–suddenly, you’re a living entity they can actually interact with.

And that makes people more willing to buy from you over anyone else.

3. Compared to ads, blogs run constantly and without additional costs.

For $20 in online ads, you might get about 10 people to show up to your website.

On the other hand, a $20 SEO blog post written by college-educated professionals can drive new visitors to your website forever. (As part of a test, we posted just two blog posts last December, generating 150 visitors and 6 new clients.)

Blogging has been the most cost-effective method of advertising for our business yet. In fact, we don’t even use ads anymore. Blog posts and press releases alone have generated all the business we can handle.

Want that kind of automatic traffic for your business? See how we can turn your website into a customer-creating engine.

Press Release vs Blog Post (Simple Checklists Included)

At Two Potatoes, we offer two services:

  • SEO press releases with free distribution.
  • Blog posts with guaranteed traffic generation.

Both can be highly effective for creating new customers and growing your business, but they each have unique benefits and purposes.

Here are two checklists you can use to determine whether you need a press release or a series of blog posts. (Note that you don’t need to check off every item on either list, but answering “yes” to just a few is a good sign that you need that particular service.)

The Press Release Checklist:

  • Do you have an event coming up that requires a lot of attendants?
  • Is your product groundbreaking, something no one’s seen before?
  • Will your product or service completely change the way people live their lives?
  • Will someone who is not already a customer be interested in your news?
  • Can you imagine at least 3 completely different stories about your product?

The Blog Post Checklist:

  • Do you have useful information that your customers would want to learn about?
  • Do you want to generate more traffic to your website for less than $100 a month?
  • Is your information going to be meaningful for years to come?
  • Do you need a consistent flow of new customers over a long period of time?
  • Is your product expensive, and requires a lot of convincing and trust-building to sell?

If you have any questions about either of our services, simply tell us about your business, and we’ll make an honest, free, no-obligation recommendation.

Turning Your Amazon KDP Free Campaign Into a Success (Follow Up!)

If you’re looking for information on a free campaign through KDP, here are some things to keep in mind:

1. A free book has the perception of having no value (otherwise it would cost money). Although this is a great promotional tool, keep in mind that a free giveaway does not automatically generate sales.
2. Once people have read your book for free, there are a ton of actions you may want them to take.
3. People do not take actions they don’t know about.

So, once someone gets to the end of your book, what’s next? Is there a second book in your series you can advertise? Keep in mind that although the book was free, there was a time investment in reading that book, so now, they have a real incentive to purchase the next book, especially if they enjoyed it.

I worked with a client once who included links to her website at the end of several chapters. These weren’t simply random links to her homepage, but links to pages that actually built on the knowledge she shared in the chapter.

When one chapter shared a recipe for low-calorie smoothies, she included a link to a page that calculated your calories based on your own selection of smoothie ingredients. It was an incredibly effective way to make sure that her readers turned into long-term customers.

One more thing you can do to turn your KDP free campaign into an effective marketing strategy is to simply ask the reader for their honest review at the end of your book.

Remember that we’re talking only to people who thought your book was good enough to finish, so it’s unlikely to create reviews from unhappy readers. Don’t beg, but simply let the reader know that this free book took a lot of time, energy, and money for you to complete, and their honest review would be a generous way of thanking you for your effort.

In essence, you’re giving them a chance to repay the favor.

Here are some ways you can use your free campaign to generate action:

  • Mention the next book in your series (or others that are similar).
  • If you only have one book, you can advertise someone else’s book for a fee.
  • Ask the reader to sign up to your mailing list or newsletter.
  • Request that the reader leave you a review.
  • In rare cases, it may be appropriate to ask for a donation. (If you’re not certain that your book falls into this category, don’t do it.)

Got questions? We’re happy to help you market your book and increase your sales any time! Just fill out the contact form below.

The Magic Number: How Many Blog Posts Per Week?

A lot of people want to know how many blog posts they need per week.

Unfortunately, there’s no set number, but there are a few guidelines that can help make the decision easier.

Every time you share a new blog posts, you’re going to get a spike in visitors. That’s because new content gets preference on search engines.

But that doesn’t mean you need a new post every single day.

Here are the two questions you need to ask yourself:

  1. How many new customers or inquiries does one post usually create?
  2. How many customers can we actually service in one week?

For us, it takes just one or two posts a week to generate a full-time workload.

If you’re selling a digital information product, these questions won’t make sense for you, because you can handle a virtually infinite number of customers.

But if your business has restraints (time spent servicing customers, materials available for sale, etc), you should find the sweet spot where your blog posts are generating just enough customers to satisfy your workload.

Once you reach that point, you can begin lowering demand by increasing your prices (which is exactly what we did last month).

Ready to bring in new customers with a professionally written blog? Check out our guaranteed, traffic-increasing blog service now!

Blogging Is Marketing (Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is)

We offer two primary services: blogging and press release writing.

What’s important here is that these two services are the only type of marketing we do for our own business.

We don’t buy ads or SEO. All we do is write blog posts and share them to social media. When something big happens, we contact the media.

That should stand out to you, because while many businesses are investing thousands in a variety of different marketing strategies, we’ve built a business from blogging and PR alone.

You can, too.

Of course, that’s not to say that ads are useless. But for your business to get off the ground, you need to develop a personal connection with your customers. Blogs do just that, and they’re very cost effective!

With one or two blog posts a week, we’ve generated enough traffic and new clients to turn a simple little partnership into a full-time business.

If you’re ready to start putting college-educated, professional writers to work for you, check out our blog service today! We can give you powerful, traffic-generating blog posts that your readers will love.

Introducing Our Blog Service for Web Developers

When we started Two Potatoes, blogging was the primary source of new clients for us.

Nothing else paid off as much as blog posts–not even ads. Of course, it would be silly for us to write blogs for other PR agencies, so instead, we’re offering a blog service for web developers.

Maybe you’re wondering why a web developer like you would want to hire someone else to write your blog posts. (After all, you know the topic better than most people.)

Here are 3 reasons you should consider hiring a professional writer to handle your blog posts.

1. Unique skills.

You can tell us everything we need to know about your business, but we can’t tell you how to write.

Facts create the content of the post, but the way those facts are presented make up the true value of the blog post.

If people just wanted a bullet-list of facts, blog posts would be useless.

But people love reading narratives, and the ability to write interesting content comes from years of practice and study. (We went to college for English, and we’ve been writing professionally for years.)

2. It’s consistent.

Fresh content is the most powerful tool for SEO.

But let’s be realistic: writing a new blog post every week is difficult work. Coming up with an interesting topic, writing 500 words on it, and editing it to perfection can take up hours of your time.

Hiring someone else creates the assurance that the important work of creating fresh content will get done.

Simply post the content on your site and watch the traffic grow.

3. Your traffic is guaranteed.

Paying for blog posts doesn’t make sense if you don’t end up with more traffic.

That’s why we guarantee traffic as a direct result of our posts. Plus, with our background in marketing and PR, these posts will actually improve your sales, too, without being too “salesy.”

Try our blog service for web designers today!